Ferociously Awesome Tiger Tattoo

Beautiful Tiger Tattoo

In Ancient Chinese history, the Tiger, being predators and hunters in nature, represents the masculine principle and is King of all animals. Regarded as one of the four super intelligent creatures (along with the phoenix, dragon and tortoise), the Tiger is honored and worshipped not just even in new year festivals, but painted on walls of homes and temples to ward off evil spirits and grant protection. For over centuries, these super intelligent creatures have been major motifs in Chinese (and even Japanese) art. Let’s check out these ferociously awesome & beautiful tiger tattoo in esoteric wisdom along the way. Enjoy! 🙂

The Tiger represents strength, vitality and health. Due to its primal predatory instincts, the Tiger also represents unpredictability, willpower and ability to trust yourself.

FACT: The Tiger is the largest member of the Cat family. There were once 9 subspecies of tigers, but now they have gone extinct. 🙁 There’s the Bengal Tiger (less than 2,000), Indochinese (750-1,000), Siberian (450), Sumatran (400-500), Malayan (600-800), South Chinese (extinct), Caspian (extinct), Javan (extinct), Bali (extinct).


These beautiful creatures also deserve to grace our planet!!! Go to http://www.savetigersnow.org to know how to help in saving the tigers! 🙂

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